Stand out from the Application Crowd

Ready to eliminate parent nagging and ensure you hit "submit" ahead of deadlines?

You can be confident you've completed all college application requirements with our checklist & calendar!

You will know where to start, what needs to completed, & start senior year stress free.

Join the thousands who have successfully followed our college application framework.

"I submitted all my applications. I am very happy that you helped me work early and ahead on all of this. When I went back to school my friends hadn't started yet and are stressed out!"
- Paige O., High School Senior

Start late or fall behind?

I've laid everything out for you to quickly get your head above water!

Our framework has two components: applications and essays.

I explain what is required for all colleges and the extras you might need to do depending on where you apply. You won't miss a thing!

By starting when junior year ends, you can work a bit each week over the summer leaving only a few things to do after school starts. The guide gives you assignments each week for applications and essays, so you can stay on track and manage your time with our "Weekly Big 3" Planner.

I want to give you a stress-free college application experience.

(Yes, it's possible with my framework!)

  • What is required by all colleges
  • Additional requirements you may need to meet (requirements vary by college)
  • Weekly application and essay assignments (keeps you on track on both application components)
  • Weekly "Big 3" Planner to stay on top of it all

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